Haseeb Iqbal: Somalia Special with Vik (Ostinato Records) // 21-09-19

For his monthly show, Haseeb Iqbal is presenting a Somalia Special and will interview Vik from Ostinato Records on the record that just came out 'Sweet As Broken Dates: Lost Somali Tapes'. For this month's show, Haseeb Iqbal presents a Somalia special, interviewing Vic Sohonie of Ostinato Records, as the pair of them attempt to uncover the story behind Somalia's thriving disco scene of the 70s. Using the 'Sweet as Broken Dates: Lost Somali Tapes' compilation album as the basis of their conversation, we are given a deep insight into the process Ostinato undertook in unearthing many forgotten gems from the depths of the Somali musical archives. Tracklist: https://worldwidefm.net/show/haseeb-iqbal-somalia-special-with-vik-ostinato-records/

Aamina Camaari - Rag Waa Nacan Iyo Nasteexo (Men Are Cruel And Kind) [Ostinato Records]
Ali Noor - Unknown [Ostinato Records]
Waaberi Band - Oktoobar Waatee? Waa Taayadii (What’s October? It’s Ours) [Ostinato Records]
Hibo Nuura - Haddii Hoobalkii Gabay (If The Artist Lets You Down) [Ostinato Records]
Danan Hargeysa Feat Mohamed “Huro Abdihashi” - Uur Hooyo [Ostinato Records]
Dur Dur Band Feat Sahra Dawo - Gorof (Elixir) [Ostinato Records]
Sharero Band Feat. Faadumo Qaasim - Qays Iyo Layla (Romeo & Julliet) [Ostinato Records]
Bossa Combo De Haiti - Acacia [Barclay]

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