Our five global projects announced

Studio Monkey Shoulder is our new global music initiative, in collaboration with Monkey Shoulder Whisky, dedicated to empowering and celebrating innovative grassroots music communities.

After receiving an incredible variety of strong applications from across the globe, Gilles handpicked our first five project recipients for this year from the UK, India, USA (Miami), Taiwan and Nigeria. Each project presented both ambitious and innovative creative ideas and was centred in keeping their music community vibrant and thriving.

From indie record stores and online radio stations to DIY music venues and underground club nights, our five communities chosen this year are making waves in their local scenes and each completely unique, represent what we're so passionate about here at Worldwide FM.

"I was so impressed by the quality of projects submitted from around the world for the Studio Monkey Shoulder initiative. The creativity, passion and community spirit shown in each and every one was truly inspiring."
Gilles Peterson - Broadcaster, DJ, Record Label

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