Haseeb Iqbal with Alice Phoebe Lou, Ziggy Zeitgeist and Jive Hive // 31-07-20

This month Haseeb Iqbal broadcasts his show from Berlin for a special edition, accompanied by some very exciting musical heads. For the first hour, Haseeb is joined by Berlin-based, South African singer Alice Phoebe Lou for a deep conversation that traces her musical career. They explore the importance of street performing, looking at Alice’s experience performing as a solo female in Berlin over the years, as well as how she has dealt with certain negative experiences. They map the growth of her sound, accompanying the chat with music throughout. Haseeb then focuses the second section of the show on a set of unreleased, exclusive tracks. Ziggy Zeitgeist pops by for a chat about what his project, the Zeitgeist Freedom Energy Exchange, have been up to, spinning some new and exciting bits. He is then joined by Harold Serero of Jive Hive, who plays some material from their forthcoming, debut releases, courtesy of Lewis Moody and Moving Still.

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