Keleketla! Dinaka Le Meropa

Tune in as Worldwide FM presents Keleketla! discography in five episodes, time traveling with the sonic archive spanning 13 years. The Keleketla! library is a timeless, radical storytelling and narrative portal. It takes the form of an archive, cultural production, educational workshop and performance space in Johannesburg. The collective reaches worldwide through emergent and traditional platforms and media co-founded by Malose Malahlela and Rangoato Hlasane in Johannesburg back in 2008. For the first show, Keleketla! presents Dualities, formed Kadromatt and Mma Tseleng. Dualities ke Meropa le Dinaka. Dualities is a Radio inside a Radio. They kickstart the call and response through an un-chronological entry into the Keleketla! discography. Throughout the show Dualities present their critical analysis and action on contemporary social, political and economic issues of the city, the country and the continent.

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