Lamaisonmusiq: Fred & Thomas

Tune in as Lamaisonmusiq mix live meditation and music with partners DJ Pegasvs and yoga teacher Fred Butler. Broadcasting in response to the pandemic, their wish is to generate a positive wave of energy to resonate over the airwaves for reconnection in this fractured time. On the cusp of Spring Equinox, we use Mother's Day as a celebration of the natural world, Mother Earth. The sonic orbit around our planet takes in "Forest Bathing" to "Ode to an African Violet" via "Peperomia Seedling". The four elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air inspire a meditation to Spring-Clean our subtle energies. Guests Paternity highlight connected ways of living for us to create positive change through the language of pattern in our collective global home. Enjoy a soundtrack to reach the core ore of your being, to contemplate the cosmic anagram of earth and heart. tracklist:

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