Oscillations: Danalogue with Paddy Steer // 12-08-20

A bi-monthly show focusing on synthesised music, combined with live performances and dialogues with a special guest. Hosted by Dan Leavers a.k.a Danalogue, producer and synth player of The Comet Is Coming and Soccer96, and producer of albums by Snapped Ankles, Alabaster Deplume, Lunchmoney & Flamingods to name but a few. On this month’s show, he is joined by Paddy Steer, a Zelig-like character along the timeline of Manchester’s musical activity. It’s a testament to his musicality that he has played with such a wide range of music and artists over the years, be it as a bass player, drummer, Hawaiian guitarist or all these roles at the same time.

Fabio Fabor - Sea Melody [Kudos]

Atheletic Progression - Convoy [Superbad Disco] COMPACTdisc ステレオドラマ - 憎しみと愛のスパイラル Soulwax - EMS Synthi 100 Movement 4 [Vinyl Factory] Computer Jay & Dam Funk - Phantom [All City Records] K-LONE - Cocoa [White Teeth]

Calabashed! - Ode To Jazzman John Clark [Purple City Souffle] Laraaji - Embracing Timeless

Mansur Brown - Jamlia [Soulection Records]

NOW VS NOW - Cloud Fishing [Jazzlandrec]

Danalogue x Sarathy Korwar - Major Goes Free

U - Lowlands [Where To Now?]

Hype Williams - Madting [Big Dada]

Hype Williams - Baby Blue [Big Dada]

Vague Imaginaires - Mais Qu'est-ce Que [12th Isle]

Danalogue - Awakening on the planet

Danalogue - Starcatchers

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