The Heavy Disco Spectacular: Ashley Beedle

1. Steve Cobby – Mise En Abyme [Declassé Recordings]

2. Jimbo Jones - Almost Post Coital

3. Santino Surfers - Sunrise Swell [Music for Dreams]

4. Chicken Grass - Pyroclastic

5. Fantastics – Pyramid [BBE]

6. Kraak and Smaak - Naked [Boogie Angst]

7. Hibiscus – Boten

8. Sam - American Cars (Afrikanz on Marz ‘Pacific Drive’ Rework) [WAH WAH 45s]

9. Tamil Rogeon – Momus [K7]

10. M Vaughan - Black and Milds [Super Tuff]

11. Life on Planets – Gardening [Soul Clap]

12. Alan Dixon – Night Time (The Piano Reprise)

13. Super Jaimie - Homage to Jean S (North Street West Vocal Remix)

14. Soul Renegades - Speak to Me (The James L'Estraunge Orchestra Remix) [Local Talk]

15. CRIM - Mano D’oro [Airfono]

16. Gordon Koang - South Sudan (Andras Remix)

17. Islandman - Aku Membawa

18. Prace - Lafulana ft Amazigh Blues.

19. A Man called Adam – CPI (The Andrew Weatherall Remix)

20. Kid Fonque x Jonny Miller - Get off ya ass [Stay True]

21. Mucho Plus - Nassaus Disco

22. Rare Pleasure - Super Fine Feeling [A’s and Bees Records]

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