The Nelly Boum Show: HOME

This month we question our HOME-S.

‘Stay Home’…a tune for corona time, in this new Nelly Boum show, we discuss family, homecoming, repatriation but also departure.

‘Home’ is loaded with happy- or sad- memories, complex colonial but also conflict dynamics. A special show, as Nelly is preparing to leave for Armenia in two weeks to start recording her new movie in the land of her family- hoping to reconnect with her ‘home’ there – while the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has now reached extremes in the past few days.

So home- a ‘paradise’, a destination or a journey ? Find out with:

– Norwegian yoiker and musician, Frode Fjellheim who will tell us about Yoik- a traditional form of vocal interpretations in Sámi music performed by the Sámi people of Sapmi in Northern Europe.

– Intellectual entrepreneur and activist sociologist, Hratch Tchilingirian who will discuss religion at home but also armenity with the 2019 Armenian Diaspora Survey.

-Ibrahim Nehme, creator, curator and writer based in Beirut, who will present his independent magazine, the Outpost and discuss the rebirth of his hometown- Beirut after the trauma of the explosion.

– Boris Gasparyan, Armenian Archaeologist and ancient wine specialist will tell us how our ancestors used to make wine in caves.

– Shirin Mirachor, Artistic Director and Founder of MONO a radical queer club and (A)WAKE, a cultural ‘institute’ in Rotterdam who will talk about the virtual, nightlife and the dance floor as non linear spaces for belonging.

– Susan Pattie, cultural anthropologist, writer and former director of the Armenian Institute in London will share insights on Armenian families and the story of repatriation in Armenia.

– Lucrecia Dalt, Columbian musician, sound artist and performer and geologist will present her latest album- No era sólida- while Nelly invites herself into her home.

– Social anthropologist Jan Ketil Simonsen will present his study on mobility and migration in Zambia.

– Magid Magid, activist, writer and politician will talk buses but also about his new book- ‘The Art of Disruption’ which he wrote on his journey into politics and as a love letter to his hometown of Sheffield.

– Otis Mensah, alternative hip-hop and spoken word artist, and Poet Laureate of Sheffield will be telling us about what it means to be a “Mum’s House Philosopher” .

-Rooney Elmi, creator of SVLLY(wood) Magazine, anti-capitalist, feminist film theorist independent magazine and No EVIL EYE a underground nomadic micro-cinema will share her ‘home’ related film selection with us.

Production - Victoria Adams and Sitraka Rakotoniaina

Hosted by Dr. Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian

Talking Heads - This must be the Place
Frodes Band Transjoik - The song: Meavraa - The Ancient Voice from the Album Meavraa
Erkan ogur - Home Coming
13th century hymn, still sung in the Armenian Church today Mystery Deep_KhachaturTaronatsi_
Cheb mami and Idir - Azawaw 2
Asmach - Guadegna
Noureddine Staifi ‎– Aye Leli Lelou
Ser Boca - Lucrecia Dalt
Revuelta - Lucrecia Dalt
Hot Ethiopian Music -
University of the Underground Students - Ruiner by The Neurons
Otis Mensah - The Thinks (Lyrics & performance. Otis Mensah / Prod. Brelstaff / Mixed & mastered. the intern)
Kanye West - Homecoming )

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